
  • Each team is allowed 4 timeouts per game
  • A player will be disqualified on his\hers 5th personal foul. Technical fouls will count as a personal foul.
  • Abusive and profane language is not tolerated and is grounds for immediate disqualification.
  • Players may enter the lane on free throws upon release of the ball by the shooter.
  • Game Length
    • 4 - 7 Minute quarters.
    • Running clock.
    • The clock will stop on all officials' and team timeouts.
    • Clock will stop on all whistles during the last minute of each half.
    • Clock does not stop on made Field Goal.
  • Press
    • Girls 8 -10, No press allowed.
    • Boys 7 - 8, No press allowed.
    • Boys 9 - 10, No press allowed.
    • Boys 11 - 13, Allowed during the 2nd half
    • If a team is up by 11 or more points, NO press is allowed by the lead team.
  • Overtimes
    • Overtime will only occur if the game is tied at 10 points or more.

    • Overtime will be 3 minutes in length.

    • Only one overtime period per game. If the score is still tied at the end of Overtime, the game will end on a tie.

    • One extra timeout will be granted to each team.

    • Any player can play on OT, regardless of how many quarter he\she has already played.
  • Teams must have 4 players to start game.
    • The opposing coach may, at his or her discretion, elect to play with only 4 players to balance the competition or to play with 5 against 4.
    • If a coach elects to play 4 against 4, he or she cannot later change and add a 5th player; unless the opponent gains a 5th player.
    • Exceptions: If a team has 9 players they must play 5 during the second half, if it has 10 players present they must play 5 the whole game.
  • Playing Time
    • All players arriving before the second quarter must play two quarters of each game. If a team begins play with fewer than 5 players the players arriving and entering the game for partial quarters should be played in the order of arrival.
    • When 7 or more players are present, no player may play more than 3 regular quarters. Failure to follow this rule shall be forfeiture of the game.
    • Exceptions to the minimum playing time may be made for illness or injury to a player.
    • When a player plays over half of the period (or over half of the period time that they are present), that period is counted for the player's playing time. Please notify the opposing coach and officials beforehand if there is to be an exception.
    • An exception is also made following a technical foul to a player, where any available substitute will replace the player to allow for proper coaching. (The player may return after approximately one minute of play.)
  • Substitutions
    • Substitutions are allowed only at the intermissions and during overtime periods, except as noted above. Substitutes should be chosen in the spirit of balancing playing time.
  • Back Court
    • The court we use does not have a division line. However, there are two yellow lines located close to mid-court. Either of these yellow lines will serve as the division line, chosen to in all cases create a larger front court then back court.
  • Hoop Height
    • The 7 - 8 boys' league plays with a basket height of 9 feet.
    • The 8 - 10 year old girls' league plays with a basket height of 9 feet.
    • The 9 - 10 Boys' and 11 - 13 Boys' league play with a standard height of 10 feet.
  • Free-throws
    • Boys 7 - 8 and Girls 8 - 10, foul shots are taken approximately 24 inches (2 feet) in from the normal free throw line.
    • Boys 9 - 10 must start behind the regular free-throw line, but may land past the line when they jump.
  • Ball Size
    • ​Boys 7 - 8 and Girls 8 - 10, will play with a Junior size ball (27.5)
    • Boys 9 - 10, will play with a Women's Official size ball (28.5)
    • Boys 11 - 13, will play with an Official size ball (29.5)