About us

League Goals

Enable Kids to Learn Basketball Skills

We will provide instruction on basic basketball skills. This is, however, kept in balance with the other goals of the league. We do not provide intense basketball training, but we do equip the youth to enter other skill-focused programs.

Have a Relaxed and Fun Experience

We want all the participants to have a positive experience of team participation. We strive to keep competition well away from our emphasis. Basketball is, however, a competitive sport and we admit that at times people can become carried away. We endeavor to address these situations and thus maintain a relaxed environment where kids can just play as kids!

Show Christian Examples and God's Love

This program is a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church. It is our sincere hope that every family involved will quickly recognize a difference between this and other leagues. We include a spiritual focus consistent with Biblical teaching at all practices and games. We strive to ensure that each team is lead by an adult that will demonstrate the love and care that Christ has for each of us. Life is far more than just basketball, and it is our prayer that every person involved in this league will be drawn closer to Christ.
